What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is the process of removing and cleaning the nerves and the pulp of the tooth that is inflamed, infected, or dead and then filling and sealing the hollow root canal to prevent bacteria from entering. Some roots have more than one root canal, but all have at least one canal.
When is root canal treatment necessary?
Root canal treatment is most often done due to untreated caries. Apart from this, it is required if the dental nerve is damaged as a result of trauma or in the presence of advanced gum diseases.
Is root canal treatment a painful procedure?
Root canal treatment is a treatment performed by numbing the patient’s tooth. Therefore, it is not a painful procedure. Some infected teeth may be difficult to numb. In this case, teeth can be numbed with the help of different techniques.
Will there be pain after treatment?
In the first few weeks after treatment, there may be a slight pain and tenderness in the tooth, especially during chewing.
How long does a root canal treatment take?
Root canal treatment can be done in one or several sessions depending on the condition of the tooth. Uncomplicated treatments can be finished in a single session.
How can the restoration of the tooth be done after root canal treatment ?
For the restoration of root canal-treated teeth , composite filling, ceramic filling or ceramic crown options are available, depending on the size of the demaged area .